Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two Christmas Dinners...Conclusion

...OK So I never finished that story.  The blog was getting long and I just wasn't certain how much I wanted to share with everyone.

I have been trying to live transparent -- this seems dangerous because we have to be able to trust others with what we share.

After that day of course came Dec. 24th and I remember how nervous of a knot I was feeling in my gut as the moments marched on in time towards the inevitable Christmas Day.  I had a short shift to work at Costco.  When I got there Kate had an "anonymous" gift from a co-worker.  She knew I was uncomfortable but told me the giver would be deeply hurt if I didn't accept it.

Michelle texted me that a few letters and packages had arrived from my sisters and brothers.  They had sent  gifts, gift cards and money...all saving Christmas in my mind. Then she texted that her bothers and sisters had sent a few gifts as well.....then her parents...then my Mom.....all these things coming together in a few hours.

The day continued to get stranger and more beautiful as I recall.  I felt deep down God was prompting others to care for us because we couldn't do that for ourselves. I felt so helpless, yet wonderfully remembered.

The next arrival came about noon as someone left an anonymous money tree at our neighbor's home and told them not to tell who it was.....WOW again!

Shortly thereafter we received a care basket from the school district as we were nominated as a family in need for a christmas sharing project...we received cards, gift cards, and more sharing from strangers...turns out we were nominated by a caring neighbor and also from someone in our small group at church.

I arrived home to all of this just in time for a pastor from our small groups at church who had a gift for us.  In reality I believe the gift was a product of outpouring of grace from my co-workers at Costco who gave the gift anonymously through the church.

I sat on the floor of my living room on my knees and cried with Michelle and just felt so overwhelmed with emotion.  For months we had barely enough money to put food in the cupboard, and now God was pouring out blessing that was needed to sustain us for the weeks to come. It is the type of event that is literally burned into your memory.

It is definitely a blessed feeling to give to others and I believe much more difficult to receive.  This was an incredible and yet difficult day.  So many people showing grace and kindness...some believers, some not, yet sharing and caring.  It redefined what caring for others looks like in a practical reminded me that when we get on the other side of our current struggles that I want to live to give...not to repay the kindness but to pay it forward and be a part of what we received.

It was such an outpouring that I cannot doubt that God can and will do what he wants to do however he wants to do it and using whoever he wants--to do his will.

When that week started I had joked that I felt like the Whos down in Whoville--the tall and the small--would gather that morning around the tree...even after the Grinch had stolen everything, they still sang and celebrated Christmas in their hearts.  I figured we were going to know first hand what that feeling was.

I remember waking up Christmas morning and rejoiced in my heart for that new day, for time off with family, and for the caring God had showed to us.  I thought about the Whos in Whoville and sang a song in my heart. Christmas had come...

I am very grateful for everything .... it was magical really, and yet the real memory that stands out was how close we were that Christmas and each one since.  We spent the whole day together and cooked together and just hung out. Time flew by.  If I had insisted on spending that time together I am certain it would have resulted in squabbling and friends drawing my kids away. The journey had revealed a new way to celebrate and it concluded with a chiminea campfire and smores.......and they never tasted so good.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful conclusion! Love, Sandra
