I was flipping channels and saw the movie "A Christmas Carol" and starting watching it...I used to hate watching that story to be honest. Something has changed....
Scrooge gets to look at glimpses of his past and milestone markers in his life. He gets a close up look at decisions and their subsequent consequences.
He takes a trip down memory lane with the past, present, and finally a look at his legacy and possible and most likely future. A valuable trip it is...for when he awakes it is as if he's been reborn. As he breathes in life to its fullest deeply into his lungs and accepts the gift of today for the amazing gift it is...he realizes finally it is more blessed to give than to receive. He is also in a place to bless others by doing just that. He is on a high so contrasted by his beginning miserly heart. The JOY radiates from him as to an unbelievable level for those who knew him...some wanting not to forgive his past...some not wanting to show kindness back to him now, yet undaunted he presses forward and stays in the JOY of his Christmas awakening.
He is a man given TRUE life.
But what of the name Ebenezer? Is that significant?
Ebenezer is actually a Hebrew name that translates to "stone of help" or anything that reminds us of God's presence and help. It becomes the standing stone or a place where a stone was stood on end as a reminder of something significant God did to help or aid the Israelites.
How fitting that Ebenezer's own life became a type of standing stone for giving and kindness, good nature, charity, deep family love....Ebenezer became an Ebenezer.... he fulfilled his name.....how I hope we all have such an ending...
.....I love that movie ending....
Throw open the shades and let the light of Christmas flood the windows of your soul..throw open the window and breath in the cold clean snowy air...help someone...share with someone...Merry Christmas
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