Sam has five children and works at the McDonalds across the street from my store. She is the drive thru cashier for them that makes everything run so well. She stepped right up and introduced herself with a warm smile and a firm handshake. Our store guidelines say we should hire candidates that smile right through the drive thru speaker....well she fits that perfectly. She won't even discuss the full story of what has her dissatisfied with her current isn't all money or hours...more about trust and respect. The first step in building any quality team--most business books will say "build trust with the team." The word is out on the streets now-especially in the projects on 12th Avenue that our store is moving in the right direction and one manager in particular is trustworthy to do what is promised. The knowledge of this for her can mean hope...hope that she can become a master cashier and make $2.00 per hour more....hope that she could become a production master cook as well and attain .50/hr more. Sam is willing to give up her first shift status in order to have a shot at making more for her family and giving them a better life and future. All she wants in return is respect and a few Sunday mornings to attend church with her children.
Really, listening to her and agreeing to give her that was easy from my side. Keeping my word will build her trust for me and the team. This is the find out what gives her hope.
Sometimes I believe my life is difficult and I am searching for hope daily. When we are forced to slow down and not plan our lives any further out than that day and that hour, it actually forces us to live more simply and trusting God more. I can trust Him....or I can pay it lip service that I trust Him. Really, in life there are no other options than trusting in Him. Today was a simple thing, but so much anxiety. We have no money for clothes for Haileigh and she has no fall pants. My wife Michelle was thinking this morning about how we need to get her clothes and God--can you provide a way?
When Michelle went to watch children at church this morning (just 1 of her many jobs) one of her coworkers had a bag full of pants and some were Haileigh's size! Michelle's reaction when she told me at home was recounting trying not to worry just this morning and about how God answered right away. Sometimes he answers so quickly and has the wheels turning long before we even ask...yet other things he can seem so silent. Where do we find that hope..our hope daily?
For those like Sam working in a dead end job with a big warm smile treating those she serves so beautifully so she can provide for her family. My life has never been as hard as food stamps and living in the projects...yet she finds hope to get up yet again each day. What a statement her life makes to others...
Sometimes throughout the past two years I have had mornings where my hope is lost, displaced or worn down...dragging my body up...growling when I look at my worn face in the mirror.....wondering at times what statement my life really makes......yet...
Jeremiah 29:11 promises
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