Sunday, May 18, 2014

Living in the now

Living in the in the present is very difficult for many people including me.  So many of us are looking in the rearview mirror, wondering about what could have been.  When we live with regret in the past we relinquish the opportunities in the here and now.  How many things can you actually change by spending your time on the past?  The answer is not much, it is a poor use of time and little return on that investment.

The other end of the spectrum is living with worry about the future.  The future can be planned for but if we live too much for the future again we let slip away all of the time in the present.

Many people have told me I have the character trait of perseverance and it's true...I do.  That gifting can be focussed so much that the whole journey through the present to get through circumstances is entirely missed.  The struggle today hurts and many times I'd rather put my focus further ahead to a better day.

There is a reason it's called the's a gift.  Embrace that gift.

Take the next step and stay present and conscious in the here and now.