Monday, May 21, 2012

What is Full Restoration?

Does anyone really know what full restoration is--or what it looks like?

Ever seen some big story in the news about a ponzi scheme...or some pastor that succumbed to sin and was disgraced???? You never get to follow through the story to full restoration.  Why is that?

Our society celebrates the fall of heroes and we care after the headline fades or do we look for the next headliner?

What is it about the people we consider "the really big sinners" that disqualifies them from love from anyone in the church?  Why is it an unspoken rule that they be cut off from the very place they worshipped in and where leaders and neighbors should know more about unconditional love than anywhere else.  This is not a church slamming session or anything negative of the kind....just a question to wedge a foot in the door with an idea of true mercy and what it might look like. OK, I guess I would like to kick that door down! (Where's Samson to tear the door off the hinges when you need him?)

I was in working out at the rec. center and in walks the pastor for small group leaders.  At one point not so long ago...I was a small group leader.  I haven't been attending church hardly at all....and my family withdrew from our small group without so much as a call from the leader.  He knows part of my story, surely he cares about what is going on.  No, I got the Nashville nod...the old look away and pretend I am not here.  

So I went up and said Hi anyways (not "bless your heart") just because it would be so unlike me to be the initiator.  The last time I saw this man I was depressed to the point of extreme severity....the lowest point of my fact I didn't want to live anymore.  Rather than just grill him negatively let's just agree that people rarely follow up into difficult circumstances...or rarely take the road less traveled to pursue someone in need. It makes us uncomfortable and requires us to give of ourselves.  It's one thing to talk the talk.....rarely do we see the full walk portrayed out.  It wouldn't need to be a perfect walk...heck we are all sinners.  Just looking for the mercy from a member of the greatest house of mercy-God's church.

Mercy101....we were all adopted into God's family where we never deserved any of it.
Mercy202--for the really Good Saints--see're no better, still just forgiven where we never deserved it. are elevated to the status of the first guy crossing the road in the good Samaritan story (note--this is not a good thing)
Mercy404---in this advanced course we hope to break you of your ingrained church speak and habits and get you to simply pass on grace and mercy to others where it is needed.

Seriously though, Where do we go once the mercy and grace have been granted to us?  We spread the ring out further...we speak words into difficult situations where no one wants to.  We invest in others when it costs us something. Our story was never meant to be about safety and was always meant to be a much larger story.  Restoration is one of those large story themes...check the Bible...yep, it's true.

Just a few.....

Peter denied Christ cursing and spitting....he is the Rock and given the keys to heaven.
Jonah runs away and takes a 3 day pass inside a really bad fish hotel.  He comes back and delivers the message and is party to witnessing revival and grace.
Zaccheus is small in stature and hated as a tax collector for the Roman occupants of his country.  He changes and gives until it hurts...does a 180 with his whole life, becomes huge in stature.
The prodigal son...wasteful, hurtful and selfish.  He comes home to beg to be a slave. He is welcomed back and loved.

Jesus walked on this earth as fully man and fully God.  He seems to understand we fall down and lose our way.  Yet he also sees something in each life --something Big, something True, something in the Future--something yet in the Present---that the person he's engaging doesn't picture yet.  I guess we are all slow on letting go of the past.  He takes away cloaks of shame and gives us capes of mercy and grace. He has a name to give us that he's intended for us since the day we were born.

What does full restoration look like?

To be honest---I'm not totally sure..I've never seen it walked out and modeled.

It's probably awkward and imperfect like we are. It's not a Hollywood scene.....

I do have an idea what it might feel and look like.  In the movie Antwone Fisher there is a scene that Antwone dreams about and then comes to pass at the very end.  In an almost dreamlike scene he is brought into a large banquet hall where there are friends and family waiting to celebrate him and share a feast of dishes made by the people who love him.  This is a celebration feast......Hugs, conversation, celebration......

It looks like a life restored.......

Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Favorite Word------"Re....."

My Favorite Word----"Re...."

some people have a favorite word...mine is a favorite prefix because it goes with amazing thoughts...


So many words that bring good thoughts to mind begin with Re---....

See one I missed? Please send a reply and post it...share it with everyone.  Take the time to do it for someone who might need that word in their life today.


Monday, May 7, 2012

The Broken Mower

Some things used to drive me crazy....well they still can at times.  Why is it that appliances and things always break at the worst times?

I have a dishwasher down.....washer at times...and now the lawnmower!

The lawnmower...really????!

In my culdesac all but two of us have a lawn service so I need my lawnmower to work.

The broken mower has become a symbol that keeps me aligned.  I know you might be scratching your head, but God knows how we are all wired.  He knows I love to be self sufficient and have everything planned out via my my Oh my.

By taking away the mower God once again forced me to relate to others and humbly ask for what I need. It is a small snapshot of where he has taken me the past bit of my journey, always reminding me and nudging me to depend on him more and more.

When I rely on others and not just myself, it allows for relationship and the story to expand further than my little kingdom.

My one neighbor, Lee is a handy man and has a work ethic even I could respect if not envy.  After I asked him to borrow the mower the first time he now places it fully gassed up outside his fence and in my yard waiting for me.  I gas it up after I'm done (least I can do) and we both get a laugh out of taking care of that for each other.

Last Monday I came home after a very stressful week of work and realized my whole front and side yard were mowed completely and trimmed.  I went over late at night to thank Lee who was sort of embarrassed and played it off that actually leaving his job early for one night gave him a chance to cut it for me so he could clear his head and enjoy the outdoors for once.

One of the coolest things about my lack of a mower is how I think it might play into Lee's story and where it is headed.  Without my misfortune, other blessings don't come.  In fact they lay unrealized.

Looking at Lee's ear to ear grin I realized he was blessed by doing it and I was blessed by his act of service and kindness.  More than the service was feeling connected to neighbors like in the old days before we all became self sufficient and quarantined.

Hate to be cliche but it fits...again God uses the broken